Sunday, June 2, 2013

Business Ownership

As is the case most of the time, life has thrown me a little loop. My husband and I are opening our own business and that is taking up quite a bit of my time. He will be returning from Afghanistan this week after two years apart from each other. I am so glad he will finally be here to help get this business off the ground.

I was laid off from my job last week. Last in, first out I think. Amazingly enough, I am not terribly upset about it. My husband and I have set ourselves up to be minimally dependent on my job to help get us through. It is almost a relief that I can now focus all of my energy on getting our business going. It is frustrating that my husband continues to push for me to find a new job. I guess that is what he considers to be our security. But I think once he gets home and sees what has already gone into this massive undertaking he will understand how much work it actually all is.

On another note, I have continued to eat a plant based diet for the last two months. I feel really good about it and as a side effect have lost a little bit of weight. Ironically, the other night I had a dream that I as drinking wine and eating beef. ha! It occurred to me that since I didn't feel threatened by my dream of eating beef- there was no reason for me to fear falling off the wagon just because I had a dream of relapse.

I am still struggling with PTSD. I wish, that after a year of this crap I would be feeling better. I have started therapy- but to be totally honest that, sometimes, stresses me out too!