Friday, April 15, 2011

3 weeks to go...

I have been home for the last week trying to get things together for my departure. I have been staying so busy lately- sooo much to do. I feel like I have accomplished a lot and yet have really barely scratched the surface of the things I want to get done before I go. In three weeks I depart for 19 days of training and then off to the middle east. I should be there around the end of May.
I am very happy to have been at my home the last week. I have lots to do but love laying in my bed watching TV!! I have kept my workouts up and have started back at Hot Yoga. Still more physical training to do to get ready. I wish I was more motivated to work out!!!! I have great ideas- just get stuck in a rut!!!
Alcohol has been more on my mind lately. I don't know why really- maybe just being back in the old surroundings brings back memories of old habits. I am 6 days shy of 10 months of sobriety.


  1. WOO HOO, 10 months, congrats on reaching this, You are amazing. Of course you have had a thought or two of alcohol, you are under a large amount of stress, with all that is happening in your life, As an alcoholic this has always been our means of handling stress. Yet you have done well, Just remember to keep in contact6 with, your asponsor, your support system (those who love and care about YOU and your recovery, meetings, and the God of your understanding.And you'll be okay, oh yeah and remember to laugh, have some fun in your life. Will keep you in my prayers.
